In 2021, the Municipal Association’s board of directors named restoring civility in local government a top priority. The Association has since used civility as a key theme among its speakers, workshops and other materials to help leaders listen, learn and de-escalate heated situations.

Part of the Municipal Association's civility initiative is the personal pledge.
Parts of this ongoing initiative are the different versions of the civility pledge, which can remind elected officials, staff and residents of the importance of mutual respect and collaboration to keep meetings and discourse on track.
Municipalities can use the personal pledge as a reminder at the top of meeting agendas, emphasizing the importance of civil behavior for everyone present.
Sample resolution and other resources
The pledge is also available in a longer format as a resolution that city and town councils can adopt as a resolution to reaffirm their commitment to civility. The resolution reviews the critical need of civility for democratic self-governance, and allows the council to pledge “to practice and promote civility within the governing body” for the benefit of all.
A wealth of resources on the Association's civility initiative are available online.