Every month in 2022, the Municipal Association’s Local Revenue Services is hosting “Business Licensing Essentials,” a series of virtual training sessions. The sessions focus on the methods for administering business license taxes correctly, efficiently and in a way that makes life easier for those doing business inside a city or town.

The August session focused on the Local Business License Renewal Center. Act 176, the SC Business License Tax Standardization Act, requires jurisdictions with a business license tax to accept license renewal payments from businesses through this online payment portal. Business owners can use the Renewal Center to renew their business licenses in every municipality and county where they operate, with a single payment. The session in August focused on the steps that cities and towns must take to accept payments from the Renewal Center and operate their account.
The next virtual training session will take place Wednesday, September 14, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. It will focus on online commercial enterprises like AirBnB, Bite Squad and Uber. These services have emerged as typical examples of the sharing economy, in which sellers and customers connect with each other online. The differences between these services and traditional businesses with distinct physical locations has led to questions about how business licenses apply to them.
Learn more and find the recordings of past meetings, including the August session, online.