The Municipal Association of SC Risk Management Services helps members of the South Carolina Municipal Insurance Trust and the South Carolina Municipal Insurance and Risk Financing Fund protect their employees and assets from loss by offering grants for certain purchases.
SCMIT grants
Three grants are available through SCMIT.
The SCMIT Fire Services Grant awards members 50% of the cost of covered firefighting equipment, up to a limit of $4,000. Members typically use this grant to reimburse the cost of turnout gear, but it is important to highlight that this grant can also be used for Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus/Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus refilling containment chambers, air monitoring devices and infrared cameras.
The SCMIT Law Enforcement Officer Safety Grant awards members 50% of the cost of covered police equipment, up to a limit of $2,000. This grant is often used to cover body armor purchases, but it can also cover the cost of driver training, employee safety training and personal protective equipment like gloves, flashlights and shields.
The SCMIT Public Works Safety Grant awards members 50% of the cost of covered personal protective equipment and other items up to a limit of $4,000. Members typically use this grant to pay for PPE like safety vests, glasses, hardhats and gloves. However, this grant can also cover the cost of training for Occupational Safety and Health Administration certifications, or any other safety training that an employee may need.
SCMIRF grants
Under SCMIRF, two grants are offered.
The SCMIRF Law Enforcement Liability Reduction Grant awards members 50% of the cost of covered items, up to a limit of $4,000. Members often use this grant to pay for tasers, radios and document management systems. It is important to understand that this grant can also be used towards the cost of liability training for officers. For example, if a police department pays to have officers go through de-escalation training or defensive tactics, this grant would cover 50% of the cost of the class, up to $4,000.
The SCMIRF Public Works Property and Liability Reduction Grant awards members 50% of the cost of covered public works equipment, up to a limit of $4,000. This grant is available to pay for items such as sewer cameras, acoustic pipe inspectors, leak detectors, concrete saws and vehicle strobe lights. Members should be aware that this grant can also cover fire suppression devices, backup cameras, collision avoidance systems or other telematics devices that can help improve driver safety.
The application process
All five of the grants offered by RMS will open on February 24, 2025, and RMS will issue the first payments on March 21, 2025. To apply for the matching grant, the member must do the following:
- Complete and submit the online application using the links above.
- To request reimbursement, email evidence of product/equipment purchase during the grant period of January 1, 2025, to December 19, 2025, to A copy of a dated invoice from the vendor is sufficient for meeting this requirement. Purchase orders, quotes and sales orders will not be accepted.
Submission of a grant application does not guarantee funding. Grant awards will begin on March 21, 2025, and will be made on a first-come, first-served basis, determined by the order in which RMS receives reimbursement requests.
Once funding is depleted, there will be no additional reimbursements, so the depletion may occur prior to the December 19, 2025, deadline. RMS will process reimbursements via direct deposit to the bank account the Municipal Association has on file.
For questions, please contact Kailin Bethel, financial specialist at 803.933.1237 or