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Voices. Knowledge. Solutions.

​To graduate from the program and receive a certificate, participants must complete the entire three-year curriculum. To earn the necessary educational points for the International Institute of Municipal Clerks Certified Municipal Clerk designation, clerks must complete the three-year curriculum and a capstone project.

Revised session schedule

2025Year Three, Session BYear One, Session A
2026Year One, Session B​Year Two, Session A
2027Year Two, Session BYear Three, Session A




Session A

Session B

Year One 

​Levels and Forms of Government
 ​Role of Municipal Clerk and Meeting Administration​5.0​2.0
 ​Financial Management​5.0
 ​Business License Administration​3.0
 ​Decision Making​3.5
 ​Interpersonal Skills​4.5​2.5
 ​Records Management
 ​Roundtable Sessions​2.5​2.5
 20 Hours​​20 Hours


Session A

Session B

Year Two

​Human Resource Management​3.5
 ​Technology in the Workplace​3.5​3.5
 ​Election Administration​3.5
 ​Basic Accounting​3.5
 ​Written Communication​3.5
 ​Interpersonal Skills​3.5
 ​Payroll Administration​3.5
 ​Risk Management3.0
 ​Time Management​2.5
 ​Grants Administration​1.5
 ​Roundtable Sessions​2.5​2.5
 20 Hours​​​20 Hours​


Session A

​Session B

Year Three

​Human Resource Management3.5​
 ​Municipal Law​3.53.5​
 ​Records Management​2.0
 ​Public Speaking​3.5
 ​Basic Budgeting​3.5
 ​Negotiation/Collaboration Skills​3.5
 ​Customer Service​2.05.0​
 ​Roundtable Sessions​2.52.5​
 ​20 Hours​20 Hours​​