- Obtain 501(c)(3) designation from the SC Carolina Secretary of State's Office or be designated as a department of local municipal government.
- Establish broad-based support for the commercial district revitalization process with strong support from both the public and private sectors.
- Develop vision and mission statements relevant to community conditions and to the local Main Street program's organization stage.
- Develop comprehensive three year Main Street work plan
- Adhere to the Main Street Approach utilizing the Four Points (Organization, Promotion, Economic Restructuring and Design).
- Exhibit historic preservation ethic.
- Enlist active board of directors and committees
- Submit meeting calendars, mailing lists (or e-mail list) to Main Street South Carolina.
- Provide and maintain adequate operating budget for each year.
- Establish local Main Street office within the designated Main Street district.
- Hire paid, professional program manager.
- Attend Main Street South Carolina program training for manager, board, committees, staff and volunteers.
- Attend National Main Street conference every other year.
- Report key quarterly statistics to Main Street South Carolina.
- Maintain Main Street South Carolina membership.
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