Additionally, as a technical assistance program of the Municipal Association of SC, Main Street SC provides downtown organizations professional advice and guidance in the use of the proven Main Street Four-Point Approach™ to start or strengthen their revitalization efforts. To help with this, we have developed a Main Street 101 training series that covers the Four-Point methodology to creating a holistic revitalization process for the community. These videos are designed to provide a foundational understanding of Main Street. Directors are encouraged to view them annually with their board and committees. Use them in onboarding volunteers, in board orientation and general refreshers with long-standing partners.
The Four Points
- Organization builds consensus and cooperation between all groups that play a role in the downtown.
- Design improves the downtown’s physical elements while preserving & enhancing its authenticity & sense of place.
- Promotion markets the downtown’s unique characteristics to shoppers, investors, new businesses, tourists and residents.
- Economic Vitality strengthens and diversifies the existing economic base of the downtown.
To receive the password to view the training videos, contact Jenny Boulware at