House and Senate members met in regular session this week. The Senate worked through bills on the calendar, while the House of Representatives passed hate crimes legislation.
The House of Representatives meets on Monday at 1 p.m. to begin to debate the House Ways and Means Committee’s version of the budget.
Hate crimes bill passes the House of Representatives
The House of Representatives gave H3014 second reading by a vote of 84 to 31 on Wednesday, and a third and final reading on Thursday. The bill, named the Clementa C. Pinckney Hate Crimes Act, creates additional penalties for people who commit certain crimes when the victim was intentionally selected based on race, color, religion, sex, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability. The bill is now in the Senate for debate.
The Municipal Association included hate crimes legislation in its 2023 – 2024 Advocacy Initiatives.
For information about this bill, contact Erica Wright ( at 803.354.4793.
Senate Finance Committee approves ARP allocation
The Senate Finance Committee gave S604, the bill to authorize the expenditure of the state’s remaining state American Rescue Plan funds, a favorable report on Wednesday. The bill passed by the House of Representatives, H3604, was on the committee agenda but it was amended with a strike and insert amendment to offer economic development incentives to an automotive industry locating in Blythewood. Next, S604, which allocates $586 million to the Rural Infrastructure Authority to fund applications received under the SC Infrastructure Investment Program, will be debated by the full Senate.
For questions about the allocation of American Rescue Plan Act funding, contact Erica Wright ( at 803.354.4793.
Stay in Touch
The Municipal Association legislative team is on Twitter. Follow Scott Slatton (@ScottMuniSC), Joannie Nickel (@JoannieMuniSC) and Erica Wright (@EricaMuniSC) for updates from the State House. Also follow the Association at @MuniAssnSC.
From the Dome to your Home podcast
The Municipal Association has launched another podcast, dedicated only to legislative information. The From the Dome to Your Home podcast offers more guests, more insight and more legislative information all year round. Enjoy both City Quick Connect for municipal information and project highlights and From the Dome to Your Home for everything legislative.
House Labor, Commerce and Industry Insurance subcommittee
H3977 – Allows insurers to post an insurance policy or endorsement on their website – favorable report
Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows insurers to post an insurance policy or endorsement on their website if certain conditions are met.
Senate Judiciary subcommittee
S252 – Enacts the Law Enforcement Personal Information Privacy Protection Act – favorable report as amended with a technical amendment.
Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows a law enforcement officers to formally request that his personal identifying information held by the state or a local government be held confidential.
S514 – Makes several changes to the current law regarding youth access to tobacco – carried over
Summary of the bill as introduced: Makes several changes to the current law regarding youth access to tobacco.