The Town of Six Mile has received a Municipal Achievement Award for its Bryson Children’s Nature Walk. The city won in the 1 – 1,000 population category. Forty cities and towns submitted their projects and initiatives for consideration in the annual awards.
In 2003, Six Mile resident Conrad Ardell Bryson bequeathed more than 62 acres to the town for the benefit of economically challenged children. A significant stretch of greenspace, the land has a pond and a wetlands area.
To establish a children’s nature walk on the property, town officials worked closely with Bryson’s estate representatives as well as the local land trust Upstate Forever, a group dedicated to preserving the lands, waters and character of South Carolina’s Upstate. Although resolving issues involved in the bequest produced a delay of more than 17 years, the collaborative efforts now have fulfilled the terms of the will and protected the land in perpetuity through a conservation easement, which maintains the land’s pristine features.
The project received $8,000 in closing costs from the Upstate Land Conservation Fund, as well as federal American Rescue Plan Act funds. The town continues to work with Bryson’s estate and accepts private donations from residents and businesses to maintain the facility.
The property will also offer an outdoor learning area and garden for students of the adjoining Six Mile Elementary School, where Bryson served as a volunteer.
“The Bryson Children’s Nature Walk fits into the goal stated in the Town of Six Mile’s comprehensive plan of protecting greenspace, especially the scenic views approaching Six Mile Mountain,” said Todd Glover, executive director for the Municipal Association.
These winning entries represent innovative projects undertaken by Municipal Association member cities and towns. Information and a video about the project are available on the Association’s website www.masc.sc (keyword: Achievement Awards).
The Municipal Association of SC initiated the Achievement Awards in 1987 to recognize and encourage innovations and excellence in local government.