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Municipal Association of South Carolina honors Edisto Beach with Achievement Award

Town of Edisto Beach officials received the Achievement Awards for the 1,001 - 5,000 Population Category during the 2022 Annual Meeting in Charleston.
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The Town of Edisto Beach has received a Municipal Achievement Award for its first master recreation plan. The town won in the 1,001 – 5,000 population category. Twenty-four cities and towns submitted their projects and initiatives for consideration in the awards.   

The Town of Edisto Beach uses many documents to develop its parks, trails and beach access points: a comprehensive beach management plan, a town-wide comprehensive plan and others. Recognizing the inefficiency of using multiple documents, the town council decided to update, prioritize and align all of its recreation planning documents into a comprehensive Master Park and Recreation Plan.   

The town engaged a professional planning firm for the project, paid for primarily by a SC Park and Recreation Development Fund grant and town funds. The town used its request-for-qualifications process for the vendor, and obtained endorsements for the project from the Colleton County legislative delegation — both requirements of the PARD grant.    

The planning process sought extensive public input ranging from focus groups to a multi-day open house workshop. The outreach efforts garnered strong engagement from residents, with more than 600 respondents contributing to a survey, and more than 250 participants contributing to an online map exercise.   

With the new plan in hand, the town has prioritized its recreation projects and identified funding opportunities every year. The town used the plan recommendations to seek grants for a fishing pier, restroom facilities and the repaving of a bike path.   

In municipal government, careful planning and vision can be the keys to success in helping a community reach its potential. This comprehensive plan, and the great effort by the elected officials and staff in Edisto Beach, will guide recreation improvements in Edisto Beach for years to come,” said Todd Glover, executive director for the Municipal Association. 

These winning entries represent innovative projects undertaken by Municipal Association member cities and towns. Information and a video about the project are available on the Association’s website (keyword: Achievement Awards).    

The Municipal Association of SC initiated the Achievement Awards in 1987 to recognize and encourage innovations and excellence in local government.   
