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March 7, 2025

The SC General Assembly met in regular session this week. The Senate began its debate Tuesday on S244, the tort reform and liquor liability bill. The House of Representatives passed its version of liquor liability insurance reform on Thursday.  

The House of Representatives meets at 1 p.m. on Monday, March 10, to begin debating its version of the budget.   

The property tax exemption bill, S125, and the agricultural land annexation bill, S264, were introduced in the House and referred to the House Ways and Means Committee.   

Liquor liability legislation update 

The House of Representatives debated and passed H3497, its version of the solution to the difficulties that businesses have experienced with liquor liability insurance, on Thursday. The House voted 109-0 to approve the bill and send it to the Senate for consideration. The House Judiciary Committee approved the bill on Tuesday. H3497 expands liquor liability insurance options, mandates alcohol server training, strengthens enforcement and ends joint and several liability, among other points of interest.  

Senators debated S244, their version of the tort reform and liquor liability insurance reform, throughout the week and could continue the debate into next week.  

For questions about the liquor liability bill, contact Daina Riley Phillips ( at 803.933.1203.  

Military Tax Increment Financing bill passes subcommittee 
S190 was approved by a Senate subcommittee this week. This bill includes affordable housing as allowable projects in a military tax increment financing district, extends the bonding period for projects in a military TIF, and gives local governing bodies greater flexibility when using TIF funds outside of the TIF boundary. Members of the Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Labor and Commerce subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment strikes the regional development authority sunset provision in the bill. Next, the bill goes to the full Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee for debate.  

For questions about the bill, contact Erica Wright ( at 803.354.4793.  

Stay in Touch 
The Municipal Association legislative team is on X. Follow Erica Wright (@EricaMuniSC) for updates from the State House. Also follow the Association at @MuniAssnSC.  Don’t forget to listen to the From the Dome to Your Home podcast every Friday for a recap of the week’s legislative issues and a look to the week ahead at the State House.  

Committee Report

House Judiciary Domestic Relations, Business and Probate Laws subcommittee 
H3731 – special purpose district property – favorable report 
Summary of the bill as introduced: Removes a sunset provision concerning the authority of special purpose districts to own, dispose, acquire, purchase, hold, use, lease, convey, sell, transfer or dispose of property.  


House Judiciary Committee 

H3460 – disclosure of electronic communication – recommitted to the subcommittee 
Summary of the bill as introduced: Authorizes a law enforcement officer, a circuit solicitor or the attorney general to require the disclosure of electronic communication by a provider of an electronic communication service.  

S74 – disclosure of electronic communication – favorable report 

Summary of the bill as introduced: Authorizes a law enforcement officer, a circuit solicitor or the attorney general to require the disclosure of electronic communication by a provider of an electronic communication service.  

H3556 – election protestsfavorable report as amended. The amendment clarifies that only partisan elections advance to the state executive committee, and changes bonding language from “may” to “must.” 
Summary of the bill as introduced: Requires the state executive committee of a political party to hear primary protests and contests in the case of county officers, less than county officers and municipal officers.  


House Education and Public Works Committee 
H3927 – Enacts the Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity Act – the committee heard testimony but did not take action on the bill. 
Summary of the bill as introduced: Prohibits political subdivisions from promoting diversity, equity and inclusion.  


Senate Judiciary subcommittee 
H3309 – Enacts the SC Energy Security Act – the subcommittee heard testimony from stakeholders but did not take action on the bill. 
Summary of the bill as introduced: Makes changes to the state's energy policy through the Public Service Commission and the regulation of utilities.   


Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Ad Hoc subcommittee 
S227 – local planning and zoning ordinances – the subcommittee heard testimony from stakeholders but did not take action on the bill. 

Summary of the bill as introduced: Defines concurrency programs in local planning and zoning as the governing authority conditions approval of land development activities on public facility and service adequacy.  


Senate Fish, Game and Forestry subcommittee 
S367 – abandoned vessels – favorable report 
Summary of the bill as introduced: Declares abandoned, derelict or sunken vessels to be public nuisances.  


House Labor, Commerce and Industry Public Utilities subcommittee 
H3845 – broadband service line relocation – adjourned debate 
Summary of the bill as introduced: Requires an entity that undertakes a federal highway project to bear the costs related to relocating broadband service lines.