The Senate met in regular session this week, while the House of Representatives only held subcommittee and committee meetings. The Senate worked through bills on the calendar and ended the week by adopting an amendment to the tort reform/liquor liability legislation. The bill remains on the Senate calendar for final approval.
Both the House and Senate will meet in session next week as usual.
Liquor liability legislation update
Senators continued debating S244, their version of tort reform and liquor liability insurance reform, this week. Senators adopted an amendment to S244 that deals with automobile insurance and alcohol server training, among other issues, related to liquor liability. Senate members adjourned on Thursday without taking action on the bill as a whole.
H3497, the House version of the solution to the difficulties that businesses have experienced with liquor liability insurance, remains on the Senate contested calendar. H3497 expands liquor liability insurance options, mandates alcohol server training, strengthens enforcement and ends joint and several liability, among other points of interest.
For questions about the liquor liability bill, contact Daina Riley Phillips ( at 803.933.1203.
Military Tax Increment Financing bill
S190 remains on the Senate contested calendar. No action was taken on the bill this week. S190 includes affordable housing as allowable projects in a military tax increment financing district, extends the bonding period for projects in a military TIF, and gives local governing bodies greater flexibility when using TIF funds outside of the TIF boundary.
For questions about the bill, contact Erica Wright ( at 803.354.4793.
Stay in Touch
The Municipal Association legislative team is on X. Follow Erica Wright (@EricaMuniSC) for updates from the State House. Also follow the Association at @MuniAssnSC. Don’t forget to listen to the From the Dome to Your Home podcast every Friday for a recap of the week’s legislative issues and a look to the week ahead at the State House.
Senate Judiciary subcommittee
H3309 – Enacts the SC Energy Security Act – favorable report as amended. The amendment takes the language back to that of the previous energy bill that the Senate Judiciary Committee passed last year.
Summary of the bill as introduced: Makes changes to the state's energy policy through the Public Service Commission and the regulation of utilities.
Senate Fish, Game and Forestry Committee
S367 – abandoned vessels – favorable report as amended. The amendment extends the time from 180 days to three years to find the owner of the abandoned vessel to recover costs.
Summary of the bill as introduced: Declares abandoned, derelict or sunken vessels to be public nuisances.
Senate Banking and Insurance Banking subcommittee
S60 – securing deposits of funds from municipalities – carried over
Summary of the bill as introduced: Includes credit unions as a qualified public depository for cities, towns, counties, school districts and other local government entities.
House Education and Public Works Committee
H3927 – Enacts the Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity Act – favorable report as amended. The amendment strikes all of the language in the existing bill and replaces it with new language that prohibits state agencies, quasi state agencies, universities, colleges, school districts and local governments from establishing an office for the promotion of diversity, equity or inclusion.
Summary of the bill as introduced: Prohibits political subdivisions from promoting diversity, equity and inclusion.
Senate Corrections and Penology Committee
S374 – Intergovernmental agreements with SC Department of Juvenile Justice – favorable report
Summary of the bill as introduced: Requires the SC Department of Juvenile Justice to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with counties or municipalities who use the department's detention services.