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March 14, 2025

The SC General Assembly met in regular session this week. The Senate worked through bills on the calendar and ended the week on Thursday without an agreement on tort reform/liquor liability legislation. The House of Representatives began debating the budget on Monday afternoon and giving the bill third and final reading on Wednesday just after midnight.   

The House of Representatives will not meet in session next week, but will meet only in subcommittee and committee meetings. The Senate will meet as usual.  

House adopts the budget 
The House adopted its version of the budget. The House version of the budget includes these items:    

  • $14.5 million added to the Local Government Fund base amount. The House fully funded the LGF at 5% according to Act 84, which passed into law in 2019.    
  • $222.3 million in nonrecurring dollars to SC Emergency Management Division Declared Disaster Relief for Hurricane Helene.  
  • $200 million to SC Department of Transportation for bridge modernization.   
  • $10.9 million in additional money to the SC State Election Commission for a statewide voting system upgrade.   
  • $15 million in nonrecurring dollars to the SC Rural Infrastructure Authority for a statewide Water and Sewer Fund.  
  • $1.5 million in recurring dollars and $6 million in one-time money for destination-specific grants.  
  • $1.1 million in one-time dollars for SC Association of Tourism Regions.  
  • $1.5 million recurring dollars for beach renourishment grants.  
  • $38 million in one-time dollars to the SC Office of Resilience to replenish the Disaster Relief and Resilience Reserve Fund.  
  • $80 million in one-time dollars to the SC Department of Commerce for airport enhancements. 
  • $12.3 million in one-time dollars for Disaster Relief Grant Matching Funds.  

Several provisos were introduced that affect cities and towns.    

  • Proviso 108.6 increases the employer premium by 0% and a subscriber premium increase of $36.76 per subscriber per month. This proviso also increases the employer premium for retirees by 4.6%.  
  • Proviso 55.10 was adopted to provide that at least 60% of funds sent to the SC Department of Environmental Services for the Pollutants Remediation Fund be made available to private well owners and municipal, county, joint or otherwise small public drinking water systems.  
  • Proviso 117.195, the proviso that prohibits the use of state funds for diversity, equity and inclusions programs, was ruled out of order and removed from the House version of the budget. 
  • Proviso 55.26 requires the SC Department of Environmental Services to issue a decision on a completed application for a permit no later than 90 days after the date the application was received by the department.   

Next, the budget will go to the Senate Finance Committee. For questions about the budget, contact Daina Phillips ( at 803.933.1203.   

Liquor liability legislation update 

The House of Representatives debated and passed H3497, its version of the solution to the difficulties that businesses have experienced with liquor liability insurance, last week sending the bill to the Senate. H3497 expands liquor liability insurance options, mandates alcohol server training, strengthens enforcement and ends joint and several liability, among other points of interest. The Senate Judiciary Committee polled this bill out of committee without a hearing and placed the bill on the calendar. This bill is currently on the Senate’s contested calendar with one senator objecting.  

Senators continued to work behind scenes on S244, their version of the tort reform and liquor liability insurance reform. Senate members adjourned on Thursday without taking action on the bill.   

For questions about the liquor liability bill, contact Daina Riley Phillips ( at 803.933.1203.  

Zero millage testimony heard in subcommittee 

The Senate Finance Property Tax subcommittee heard testimony on S102, the zero millage bill. S102 allows a municipality without an operating millage to impose one with limitations. Erica Wright, the Association’s legislative and public policy advocate, testified in favor of the bill along with former West Pelzer mayor and current Representative Blake Sanders.  

Subcommittee members had several questions about the bill before adopting an amendment that was suggested by the Municipal Association to specify how a newly incorporated city would implement millage. The subcommittee decided not to take further action, and plan to reconvene to continue work on the bill.   

For questions about the bill, contact Erica Wright ( at 803.354.4793.  

Military Tax Increment Financing bill passes full committee 
S190 was approved by the Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee on Thursday. This bill includes affordable housing as allowable projects in a military tax increment financing district, extends the bonding period for projects in a military TIF, and gives local governing bodies greater flexibility when using TIF funds outside of the TIF boundary. Next, the bill goes to the full Senate for debate.  

For questions about the bill, contact Erica Wright ( at 803.354.4793.  

Senate Finance Constitutional subcommittee   
The Senate Finance Constitutional subcommittee met to hear budget requests and testimony from several state agencies, as well as cities and towns. Daina Riley Phillips, legislative and public policy advocate for the Municipal Association, testified on behalf of cities and towns. Phillips asked that lawmakers follow the current law — Act 84, passed in 2019 — requiring that the Local Government Fund’s appropriation follow the increase or decrease of the state budget. Sen. Larry Grooms serves as the chairman along with Sens. Bright Matthews, Hutto, Sabb, Climer, Rice, Goldfinch and Young. 

For questions about the budget, contact Daina Riley Phillips ( at 803.933.1203.  

Stay in Touch 
The Municipal Association legislative team is on X. Follow Erica Wright (@EricaMuniSC) for updates from the State House. Also follow the Association at @MuniAssnSC.  Don’t forget to listen to the From the Dome to Your Home podcast every Friday for a recap of the week’s legislative issues and a look to the week ahead at the State House.  

Committee Report

Senate Corrections subcommittee 
S374 – Intergovernmental agreements with SC Department of Juvenile Justice - favorable 
Summary of the bill as introduced: Requires the SC Department of Juvenile Justice to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with counties or municipalities who use the department's detention services.  

Senate Judiciary subcommittee 

S192 – implied consent for driving under the influence – carried over 
Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows law enforcement agencies to determine which method of testing for alcohol or drugs shall be administered and removes the requirement that a breath test be administered before other sobriety tests.  

Senate Judiciary subcommittee 
S8 – policies for law enforcement vehicle pursuits – the subcommittee did not take action on the bill. 
Summary of the bill as introduced:  Requires the SC Law Enforcement Training Council to establish policies, procedures and training courses relating to circumstances when a law enforcement officer may engage in vehicular pursuits.