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February 23, 2024

Senators met in session this week, while House members took a furlough and did not meet in regular session. The House Ways and Means Committee adopted its version of the budget, while the Senate approved the bill that creates the new Executive Office of Health and Policy after the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control was split last year. 

House Ways and Means passes its version of the budget 
The House Ways and Means Committee met Tuesday and Wednesday and adopted its version of the budget.  The committee version of the budget includes these items: 

  • $13.8 million added to the Local Government Fund base amount. Committee members fully funded the LGF at 5% for FY 2023-2024 according to Act 84, which passed into law in 2019.  
  • $1 million in one-time dollars to the SC Council of Governments. 
  • $750,000 for post-traumatic stress disorder treatment services for first responders and law enforcement.  
  • $3 million in recurring dollars to fund the VSAFE program.   
  • $3.784 million in recurring dollars for the Firefighter Cancer Fund. 
  • $11.4 million in one-time dollars for destination-specific tourism grants. 
  • $200 million to SCDOT for bridge modification on interstate and primary highways.  
  • $30 million to the Office of Resilience Disaster Relief and Resilience Reserve Fund. 
  • $7.9 million in additional money to the State Election Commission for election operations. 
  • $1 million to the Department of Administration for first responder 800MHz communication modernization.  

A short-term rental proviso was introduced by Rep. Todd Rutherford (D-Richland), but he withdrew the amendment after explaining how he plans to meet with stakeholders and work on legislation. 

Next, the budget will go to the full House of Representatives for debate during the week of March 11. For questions about the budget, contact Joannie Nickel ( at 803.354.4794. 

Property Tax Exemption fix passes subcommittee  
The Senate Finance Property Taxation subcommittee gave S1017 a favorable report. This bill makes changes to a bill passed in 2020 that had unintended consequences to property tax revenue for cities, counties and school districts. The bill limits the available property tax exemption for nonprofit housing corporations to the percentage that equals the corporation's or nonprofit’s ownership interest in the property. This bill also prohibits annexation of agricultural property by a municipality without express written agreement by the owner. Anne Harty, finance director for the City of Rock Hill, testified in favor of the bill and thanked the subcommittee and Sen. Michael Johnson (R-York) for working with cities and towns on the new language. 

For questions about this bill, contact Erica Wright ( at 803.354.4793. 

Abandoned Building Tax credit bill passes subcommittee 
The Senate Finance Sales and Income Tax subcommittee gave a favorable report to S1021, the bill that extends the SC Abandoned Buildings Revitalization Act tax credit to 2035 and increases the maximum earned tax credit to $700,000. The Municipal Association worked with private developers to write and testify in favor of the bill.  Next, the bill will be debated by the Senate Finance Committee. 

For questions about this bill, contact Joannie Nickel ( at 803.354.4794. 

First Responder PTSD bill passes full committee 
The Senate Judiciary Committee gave a favorable report to S251, the bill that would allow first responders to file a workers’ compensation claim due to sustaining a stress or mental injury unaccompanied by a physical injury. The bill requires a first responder, who was exposed to certain traumatic events, be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders standards and exhaust state-provided PTSD treatment services before he or she could file a claim. The Municipal Association has provided extensive research and testimony on S251 that has been incorporated into the bill. Next, the bill will be on the Senate calendar for debate. 

Stay in Touch 
The Municipal Association legislative team is on Twitter. Follow Joannie Nickel (@JoannieMuniSC) and Erica Wright (@EricaMuniSC) for updates from the State House. Also follow the Association at @MuniAssnSC.  

Don’t forget to listen to the From the Dome to Your Home podcast every Friday for a recap of the week’s legislative issues and a look to the week ahead at the State House. 

From the Dome to Your Home Podcast

Committee Report

Senate Finance Sales and Income Tax subcommittee 
S969Increases the subsistence deduction amount from the individual taxable income of law enforcement officers and firefighters – favorable report  
Summary of the bill as introduced: Increases the subsistence deduction amount from the individual taxable income of law enforcement officers and firefighters. 
Senate Judiciary Committee 
S615Creates additional penalties for people who commit crimes when the victim was intentionally selected based on certain factors – favorable report 
Summary of the bill as introduced: Creates additional penalties for people who commit crimes when the victim was intentionally selected based on the victim's race, color, religion, sex, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability.

Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Professions and Occupations subcommittee  
S728Changes the definition of firefighter to include nonresidents of South Carolina who work in the state – favorable report as amended. The amendments add employees in the Office of State Fire in the definition of firefighter and make the bill retroactive to July 2021 when the law was originally enacted. 
Summary of the bill as introduced: Changes the definition of firefighter in the Firefighter Cancer Health Care Benefit Plan to include non-residents of South Carolina who work in the state. 

Senate Finance Property Taxation subcommittee 
S231Removes the maximum allowable amount for a municipal privilege or license tax on railroads – carried over 
Summary of the bill as introduced: Removes the maximum allowable amount for a municipal privilege or license tax on railroads.