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Advocacy meetings start in August

The 10 Regional Advocacy Meetings held across the state in late summer will offer municipal officials the opportunity to learn about legislative issues affecting cities and towns and to play a role in establishing the Association's legislative initiatives ahead of next year's new, two-year legislative session.

These meetings, which are for elected officials and city staff, will outline bills passed into law during the 2018 session that affect cities and towns and issues that will likely come up in the 2019 session. Time will be set aside for municipal officials to share matters of importance to their city.

"The Regional Advocacy Meetings are the starting point for the Association's work in the upcoming legislative session each year," said Reba Campbell, the Association's deputy executive director. "Discussions with local officials at these meetings determine our priorities, and it's important that elected officials and city staff attend to get their local issues heard."­

The meetings will be held from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m., and lunch will be included. The locations are organized by council of governments region, but officials may attend any session that is convenient.

There is no charge for the meetings, but registration is required for an accurate head count for lunch and handouts.

Register online at one of the following locations:

For more information, contact Ashleigh Hair at or 803.933.1288.