A program offered exclusively to graduates of the Municipal Elected Officials Institute of Government. Advanced Institute participants can choose between two advanced courses offered each winter and fall. The day-long course will be held in conjunction with the MEO Institute classes each winter and in October each year.
The Association supports 12 affiliate organizations by providing training and networking opportunities for a variety of local government positions with specialized training needs. In addition to traditional face-to-face training and networking opportunities, the affiliate associations use listserves for members to share best practices and to pose specific questions related to their local government responsibilities.
Eighteen elected and appointed city officials who set policy for the Municipal Association. The officers (executive committee) are elected to one-year terms at the Association's Annual Meeting, and board members serve three-year terms.
Is the gathering of members of a city council. The Freedom of Information Act of SC defines a meeting as the convening of a quorum of the public body. For a quorum, a majority of the total membership of the council must be present to transact business. When there are vacancies on the council, a quorum consists of a majority of the remaining members on council.
The process of collecting and recording the law of a jurisdiction in certain areas, usually by subject, forming a legal code, i.e. a codex (book) of law.
Former city managers who visit municipal officials to help address issues of local concern. Each field services manager is assigned a specific territory of the state.
The annual legislative meeting for the Municipal Association that is held each February to give municipal officials the chance to meet in Columbia with members of the SC General Assembly.
Meeting minutes are the written record of a meeting or hearing. Minutes are necessary to confirm what was acted on and agreed to at a meeting and to record decisions to ensure no ambiguity exists in what was actually decided.
A motion is a formal proposal by a member of a deliberative body, such as city council, to introduce a matter for consideration and action.
The right to exercise power given by the state (in the form of government, judges, police officers, etc.)
A training institute for clerks and treasurers that provides them with the knowledge and skills critical to their respective professions.
A training institute designed specifically to give South Carolina municipal elected officials a knowledge base for establishing good public policy for their hometowns.
An ordinance is a law, rule or policy made by a municipality that will have a significant impact for an extended period of time.
Is a statement of intent implemented as a procedure. Municipal councils establish policy through ordinances and resolutions officially adopted by council.
State law dictates that "a majority of the total membership of the council shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting council business." To conduct official municipal business, unless otherwise specified in law, a simple majority of total members of the council must be convened at the meeting and remain present to have a quorum.
Municipal resolutions are motions documented in written form to express the opinion, will or intent of a municipal council. A resolution documents an issue that is deemed more important than just a verbal statement and recording in the meeting minutes. The policy or position expressed in a resolution is generally considered to have a limited duration because it can be changed at any time by a vote of council.
Is the complete collection of laws passed by the South Carolina General Assembly. The powers conferred upon municipalities in South Carolina are derived from the SC Code of Laws and the SC Constitution.
The affiliate organization that offers training programs throughout the year covering the wide range of responsibilities of finance officers, clerks and treasurers.
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